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HomeSupport and FAQWinKaraoke Creator Questions

by Francis Li

WinKaraoke Creator Questions

  1. Is this program set up correctly?  It doesn't look quite right.

    If the program is set up correctly, it will look like the image on the left (click for full image).  If it is not set up correctly, it may look like the image on the right.  If your program looks like the image on the right, you need to re-install the MusicalSymbols font.  To do so:

    1. Copy MusicalSymbols (MUSICAL.TTF) from C:\Windows\Fonts into a temporary directory on your hard disk.
    2. Go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, and open the Fonts folder.
    3. Go to the File menu, and choose Install New Font...
    4. Choose the temporary directory where you copied the font.
    5. Select the font, make sure Copy fonts to Fonts folder is checked, and choose OK.

    If this doesn't solve your problems, check to see if you have the Arial font installed correctly. If not, re-install it from your Windows 95 setup disks.

  2. How does this program work?  Can you give me basic instructions?

    I've written a tutorial for WinKaraoke Creator.  Click here to view it...

  3. The files I create using this program cause my karaoke player to crash.

    Tune 1000's Soft Karaoke (and possibly other karaoke players) requires that you structure your karaoke file in a certain format. Your file must begin with a new paragraph (a "\" in the first lyric) and each paragraph cannot be longer than three lines (at most two lyrics with "/" before the next "\").

Copyright ©1997-1999 by Francis Li